
SRC-M Talangpaz Outreach Program

On a bright and sunny day, October 14, 2023, St. Rita College – Manila became a hub of compassion and care as we hosted the Talangpaz Outreach Program. This special event combined a dental and medical mission, aiming to make a positive impact on the lives of the students and the surrounding community.

We give back to the Lord. Our gratitude to God, for the many blessings we have received from him 116th years ago. SRC-M Talangpaz Outreach Program with Medical and Dental Mission and Livelihood to our adopted Barangay Arlegui. October 14,2023.

A Day of Giving:

The Talangpaz Outreach Program brought together a team of dedicated healthcare professionals, volunteers, and our very own students to create an environment where health and well-being took center stage. It was a day of giving back, of extending a helping hand to those in need.

The Community Comes Together:

The success of the Talangpaz Outreach Program would not have been possible without the support and participation of our dedicated volunteers and the enthusiastic response from the community. It was heartwarming to see people from all walks of life coming together to support this initiative.

Impact and Gratitude:

The day left a significant impact not only on the attendees but also on our volunteers and the organizers. It was a reminder of the power of community and how acts of kindness can create a ripple effect that touches the lives of many. As we reflect on this special day, we are filled with gratitude for all those who made it possible. We extend our appreciation to the healthcare professionals, volunteers, and, most importantly, the community that allowed us to be a part of their lives.

The Talangpaz Outreach Program at St. Rita College - Manila was a resounding success. It showcased the spirit of giving, the importance of community, and the lasting impact that a day of care and compassion can have. We look forward to future initiatives that continue to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can create a healthier and happier community.